Thursday, February 25, 2016
Ovarian Cancer Case Linked to Johnson and Johnson Baby Powder

Wow! This is just really shocking! Something as innocent as a baby powder is now linked to cancer! They are just dry applications to our skin, not even taken internally! How much more the lotions, soaps, shampoos, toothpaste, etc?
Do you remember liberally applying this to your baby brothers and sisters with this powder?...
Monday, February 22, 2016
How Exercise Makes You Smarter, Happier, and Less Stressed

I confess, I am definitely a sedentary, a "taong bahay" person. I'm happy at home, even when my wife and daughter is at my home province. My hobby is playing computer games and watching movies at home.
I know I need to exercise, not just to slim down, but also for my health. I do walk a bit, as well as ride my bike to...
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Eliminate Your Stress Simply by Burning the Leaves of This Herb!
Hello fellow Call Center agents! Today I stumbled upon an article that can help us fight anxiety and stress from our hectic shift. What is surprising is that the ingredient is very accessible to everyone, especially those who love to cook and eat adobo! It is none other than bay leaf, or in tagalog, dahon ng laurel!
Sunday, February 14, 2016
White Food Are Cancerous

The "whiter" the food, the more cancerous it is...
You probably didn’t know how dangerous and harmful these 5 “poisons” can be, and this is why you consumed them every day. But, now we are going to tell you and you won’t have any excuses. White rice, refined salt, pasteurized cow’s milk, refined sugar and white flour are the...
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Big Pharmacies Don't Want Us Healed, They Just Want To Make Money

I have been seeing a lot of Conspiracy Theories about successful natural medicine or cure for Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Attack and other degenerative diseases. They sometimes imply that it was being hidden or that the Big Pharmacies doesn't want us to know about these Alternative Medications because they will lose a lot of money.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Energy Efficient Bulbs Cause Anxiety, Migraines, and Even Cancer. Be Careful Not To Break It!

Lots of people are struggling to save electricity and money in different ways. For instance, they start using environmentally- friendly bulbs, which are proved to use less electricity, instead of the standard ones.
Nevertheless, due to the toxic substances found in these energy efficient light bulbs, the U.S. Environmental...
Monday, February 8, 2016
Unsweetened Salabat (Ginger Water) for Weight Loss

Lose Weight with Ginger Water: The Healthiest Drink to Successfully Burn Excess Fat on Your Waist, Hips and Thighs! (Recipe)
Although you may have heard of many effective weight-loss recipes, this one is probably the most health beneficial of all. Apart from burning the excess fat that’s built up on you waist, hips and...
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Why You Should Consider Not Eating Pork

13 Problems With Pork
1) A pig is a real garbage gut. It will eat anything including urine, excrement, dirt, decaying animal flesh, maggots, or decaying vegetables. They will even eat the cancerous growths off other pigs or animals.
2) The meat and fat of a pig absorbs toxins like a sponge. Their meat can be 30 times...
Thursday, February 4, 2016
You Should Plan On Switching Jobs Every Three Years For The Rest Of Your Life

The stigma of being a flaky job-hopper is quickly becoming a thing of the past, and that's a good thing. - Vivian Giang
Changing jobs every couple of years used to look bad on a resume. It told recruiters you can’t hold down a job, can’t get along with colleagues, or that you’re simply disloyal and can't commit.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
How To Sleep In Just 60 Seconds
Hi fellow Call Center Agents! I know some of us are having a hard time trying to get sleep at home before we work our night shifts, but I stumbled upon this article below.
Dr. Andrew Weil may have the solution to the countless sleepless nights. If you have this problem, you should try this trick which will put you to sleep...
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
How To Make Your Own Alkaline Water

Alkaline water includes a lot of health benefits. You will be impressed at how regularly drinking water with a pH greater than 7 can improve your own health. Here are the benefits and homemade recipe:
1. Detoxifies your body
Drinking alkaline water is a great way to remove the toxins from your body. Alkaline properties...
Monday, February 1, 2016
Cancer in a Can: The Shocking True Story of How Pringles are Made

It is most likely that nearly everyone reading this enjoys the taste of potato chips. On the other hand, they are obviously one of the most toxic processed foods you can consume, whether they’re created from actual potato shavings or not.
Potato Chips Are Overloaded with Cancer-Causing Chemical
To be aware of the nature...